Status of tests, workspaces and checks

Following the execution of a test scenario, each test (including processing and checks) appears in one of the following three status:






Status of the tests (<rtest>)

Test in Success status

A test is in a Success status if all of its processing and checks are in a Success status.

Test in Failed status

A test is in a Failed status if at least one process or check is in a Failed status and no check is in an Error status.

Test in Error status

A test is in Error status if at least one check is in Error status.

Processing status ()

Processing in the Success status

An FME process is in Success status if it completes without error. In this case the corresponding log file indicates :

|INFORM|Translation was SUCCESSFUL

Processing in the Failed status

An FME processing is in Failed status if the processing cannot succeed. In this case the corresponding log file indicates :

|INFORM|Translation FAILED

Processing in the Error report

The Error status does not exist for the elements (<process>).


If an inconsistency appears in the test scenario and the scenarioPlayer.fmw processing itself ends in failed, then the HTML report is not generated. It is therefore advisable for scenarioPlayer users to check the correct execution of the processing, the time displayed in lastReport.html and in case of problem to consult the last log file generated by scenarioPlayer.fmw.

It is located in the ./rtlog directory and has the following name: "sp_" + test case name + "_" + timestamp + ".log "

Status of verifications (<check>)

Check in the Success status

A check is in Success if the observed value is consistent with the expected value. The comparison operator used (eq, lt, match...) must be taken into account to define the consistency.

Check in the Failed status

A check is Failed if the observed value is not consistent with the expected value. The comparison operator used (eq, lt, match...) must be taken into account to define the consistency.

Check in the Error report

A check is in Error if the observed value could not be calculated or if the comparison with the expected value is impossible. This case is often the result of an error in the design and editing of the test scenario, but it can also be caused by abnormal processing behavior (e.g., no result). There can be many reasons for this:

  • The dataset defined in <source> does not exist or is not accessible

  • The comparison operator tries to compare a number and a string

  • The SQL query does not generate a result

  • The attribute or the row requested by the attributeValue() test operator does not exist in the source dataset

  • The expected value does not respect the form expected by the comparator (range, in list..).